Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, we had a nice relaxing Christmas. We stayed in our jammies all day, played, ate, and watched movies! Our New Year's Eve was fun. We watched the neighbors light off fireworks, and Devin even stayed up till midnight (barely). Riley continues to change everyday. She's now sleeping through the night! She's also getting big! Devin continues to be a great big sister! She just started back to school, and she started T-ball practice. She also lost her first tooth on Christmas Eve. I will be returning to work next week. I have mixed emotions about that. Jeremy has started really training to try to qualify for Ironman this year. Below are some pics from Christmas and New Year's Eve, and other random things.

Christmas jammies

Riley loves this position!

Christmas jammies back...

Christmas jammies front

Daddy likes to make her stand!

At the hot pond the weekend after Christmas

We couldn't find New Year's hats so Devin picked out these princess tiara's!

Made it to midnight!

Can you tell he had some drinks?!?

Stand back ladies...he's all mine!

Looking much bigger next to Minnie!

The poster we had made for Devin for Christmas.

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