Devin and her 'dolly' at our old house
Devin in her 'Tinkerbell' Halloween costume...finally!

Devin striking a pose in her skirt & cowgirl boots with soccer ball :)

Onekahakaha Beach Park...our new favorite 'in town' beach to take Devin

Devin in her floaty...she loves the shallow water!

Devin & mommy...we used this pic in our Valentine card for daddy

A waterfall at the top of Waipio Valley Jer & his friend, Max, found on a hike

Mauna Kea with snow!

Driving up Mauna the level of the clouds!

Some of the cones on the mountain

The summit at Mauna Kea

A couple of the telescopes on the mountain

...and some more

Me and Jer posing in front of the summit
One of the cones with snow covered Mauna Loa in the background. This is the cone that Jer &
Max climbed up & ran down!

On their way up... the top, looking down into the cone...

...and running down!

Devin making a snowball...
... and eating it

...with her 'mini snowman' the next morning...

...jumping in what was left the next day...dumped on the deck...

...and sitting in it

The best pic we got of the lava flow...
...a tree started on fire from the lava...

...Devin & mommy taking a break after our long hike to see the lava

1 comment:
I love your beach pictures! (my toes are freezing here in IA and I'm totally jealous!) Devin looks so pretty with her long hair! I can't believe how much she's grown since you all left! It sounds like you all keep busy and have so many fun adventures. I can't wait to hear about the next one!
Take care!
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