Saturday, October 24, 2009

Riley Leanna

Hello everyone! Well, the day we were waiting for has come and gone. Our baby girl, Riley Leanna Buttz, was born at 12:24p.m. on Wednesday, October 21st, 2009. She weighed 6 lbs, 1 3/4 oz. and was 19 inches long. Mom and baby did great, and even got to come home a day early! Big sister Devin is so happy to have a baby sister! Riley's middle name was picked because of family names...Jeremy's mom's middle name is Lee, Kelli's mom's middle name is Ann, and Kelli's late Gramma Mae's middle name (one of them) was Anna. Everyone is doing great!
Last belly of c-section

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Almost time for baby!!!

Well, I promised I'd try to post one more time before baby arrives, so here we are! Today (10/13/09) was my last day of work. I'm now officaily on maternity leave! I decided to take off a little early this time to take care of last minute preparations for baby, my mom and dads visit on the 25th, and to relax a little! Jeremy's planning to take about a week and a half off of work right after baby's born. My mom and dad will be here to help out for about two weeks. Devin has a few days off of school during that time. So, I should have plenty of help!
Our c-section is October 21st at 12:30. I have to have a c-section this time since I had an emergency c with Devin. Here on the island if you want to do a natural after a c you have to fly to Oahu, and that didn't seem to really make sense to us. We're all excited, and maybe a little nervous! I'll miss feeling the movement inside my tummy, and being able to eat whatever I want, and not feel guilty! I won't miss the backaches, heartburn, and cankles!
Not much other news to report since our last post. I have added some pictures of the babies room below. It's not totally done yet, but close. I sure hope it's a girl because things are very pink! Also added a picture of Devin enjoying the shag rug in the babies, we're not beating her...that nice bruise on her forhead is from hitting it on the computer desk!
After baby's born, and we get to come home I'll try to get a post up fairly quickly with info and pics! In the meantime, I hope everyone is healthy and happy!